Friday Morning Programming

Join us for our annual Friday Morning Programming! NAIMUN LXII will continue to offer unrivaled opportunities for access to some of Washington’s most exciting spots.


In the world of international relations, there are few places more central than Washington D.C. While at the conference delegates can take advantage of its amazing location to visit one of the hundreds of embassies in the area. There’s even a chance delegates will get to meet their committee counterpart in real life!

COMING SOON: NAIMUN LXII’s embassy visits


Delegates will have the option to visit Georgetown University’s campus on Friday morning, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the nation. NAIMUN staffers will lead tours during which delegates can take a picture in front of the iconic Healy Hall and learn about the diverse opportunities that Georgetown offers.


We offer a wide range of Washington Hotspot tours. Delegates can learn about the history of the United States and have the chance to witness diplomacy in action at federal buildings.

COMING SOON: NAIMUN LXII’s Washington, D.C. excursions

Please contact our Director of Programming Emily Vincent ( with any questions or concerns.

Keynote Speaker

Coming Soon!

Coming soon!