Diplomacy Through Education

Our theme for NAIMUN LXII is “Diplomacy Through Education.” NAIMUN is so much more than a Model UN conference, and its impact extends well beyond conference weekend. We recognize how rewarding Model UN can be as a tool to encourage youth engagement with global issues and instill lifelong skills in students. This year, we are asking delegates to strengthen their diplomacy skills by taking advantage of all the in-committee and out-of-committee educational opportunities that NAIMUN LXII has to offer. 

Our Theme In Committee 

As conference execs, we strive to provide delegates with an in-committee experience unique to the Model UN circuit. NAIMUN prides itself on curating committees that are informative, unique, and fun: we hope each delegate walks out of their last committee session having learned something new. We push for both delegates and staffers alike to truly immerse themselves in the topics being debated. Committee session is a learning experience, where delegates get to explore the nuances of international relations and practice their diplomacy skills in real time. Diplomacy is about a willingness to learn, to adapt, and to collaborate with others, and committee is a place where delegates can learn to do all of these. We believe that NAIMUN is a place where delegates can build upon what they have learned in the classroom, by exploring a diverse slate of topics curated to teach each and every delegate. Committee speakers invited to speak during committee sessions also give delegates a chance to engage with someone actively involved in the topic being debated. Said speakers show delegates why the topics they debate matter, and reinforce our commitment of educating delegates to become future leaders. 

Our Theme Out of Committee 

Outside of the committee room, NAIMUN LXII offers an abundant collection of educational opportunities. Whether it is by reading the carefully curated Background Guides from our Georgetown staffers, or by participating in TIPS sessions in the fall, NAIMUN consistently provides a wealth of information that delegates can take advantage of. Additionally, NAIMUN LXII provides numerous out-of-committee educational opportunities during the conference weekend. On Thursday afternoons, delegates are encouraged to attend MUN 101, where they can learn Parliamentary and Crisis Committee procedures from our Secretary-General, Director General, and USGs. Furthermore, during Friday Morning Programming, delegates are offered the unique opportunity to explore Washington D.C.’s best embassies and tourist destinations. To top it all off,  NAIMUN LXII will continue its annual tradition of partnering with a non-profit organization all weekend. Delegates are encouraged to buy CandyGrams, attend the Saturday Social Justice Event, and engage in conversation with our NGO partners about the non-profit and philanthropy experience!

Diplomacy Through Education Beyond NAIMUN 

This conference only lasts for four days, but we hope that delegates will take the experiences and knowledge that they gained from NAIMUN LXII into other aspects of their life. We hope that delegates use their newly developed problem-solving skills to thrive at other Model UN conferences, or direct their passion for diplomacy and philanthropy towards engaging in volunteer work and internships. We hope that NAIMUN will provide delegates with a diverse array of knowledge that they can take with them throughout their life and careers. At the end of the day, NAIMUN is so much more than a Model UN conference. We believe that the delegates who attend NAIMUN are those with a genuine passion for learning, and it is these same delegates who may well end up being future presidents, journalists, scientists, and so much more. No matter what career or path a delegate chooses to pursue, NAIMUN is proud to be one of the building blocks that built a delegate’s passion for debate, curiosity for the world, and desire to make change.