Small committees with full crisis elements (25-30 delegates)

Contemporary Crisis is a dynamic organ that is centered around pertinent modern-day issues. In this organ, delegates have the opportunity to address current dilemmas, many of which remain unresolved or unrecognized at the international level, by stepping into the shoes of important figures in the modern world. Contemporary Crisis is composed of seven small crisis simulations, all of which will allow delegates to learn about lesser-known world issues and apply their diplomacy skills in pursuit of a brighter future. As a crisis committee, delegates in Contemporary Crisis have the added benefit of being able to interact with a dedicated crisis staff who will actively update the committee timeline and provide new challenges for delegates to solve.

Joint Crisis Committee: Denile is a river in egypt — THe grand ethiopian Renaissance dam, 2011

United Nations Security Council: The cypriot missile Crisis, 1997

A Paradise Lost: The Maldives Tourism Scandal, 2018

Not your average k-drama: chaebols in crisis, 1997

Hot takes on hispaniola: haitian cabinet of réné Préval

Deblazing a path forward: New york city mayoral advisory commission, 2021



Ashley Sorato & Theodora Lyne

ABOUT Ashley

Ashley Sorato is a member of the class of 2027 studying Global Business, Chinese and Portuguese. She is originally from Massachusetts, but calls Florida home. Ashley has competed with the Georgetown Model UN team for about a year and has traveled to conferences in Boston, North Carolina, Canada, and Chicago. She has previously served as the Director of “The Highest of Steaks: JBS S.A. Board of Directors, 2017” Contemporary Crisis committee at NAIMUN LXI, and currently is the Under-Secretary-General of Contemporary Crisis for NAIMUN LXII and the chair of the UNDEF General Assembly committee at Georgetown's collegiate conference NCSC LII. Outside of MUN, Ashley is the Deputy Chair of the School of Foreign Service’s Community Engagement committee, teaching local high schools about current events and international affairs. She also founded the Georgetown chapter of Kappa Alpha Pi Pre-Law professional fraternity and works at the campus gym. Some fun facts about Ashley: she can speak 5 languages, LOVES to listen to music, and is proud of her Brazilian heritage. Ashley is excited to serve as the USG of Contemporary Crisis and share her passion for public speaking, international affairs, and NAIMUN. Reach out if you have any questions!

ABOUT Theodora

Theodora Lyne is a member of the Class of 2027 in the College of Arts and Sciences, majoring in Government and minoring in Italian. She was born and raised in New York City. She competed in Model UN all four years of high school, and attended NAIMUN as a delegate twice. She has previously served as a Crisis Analyst for NSA at NAIMUN, and as a Crisis Analyst for a Pig War JCC at Georgetown's college conference, NCSC. Outside of NAIMUN, Theodora can be found tabling in Red Square, going for walks around DC, and making Trader Joe's trips with her friends. She is so excited to serve as your USG of Contemporary Crisis, and is looking forward to an exciting and transformative NAIMUN!