Large general assembly-style committees (150+ delegates)

General Assemblies are the largest committees at NAIMUN, simulating real UN bodies. All countries are represented in General Assemblies, providing delegates with the most realistic possible simulation of large-scale international diplomacy.


Legal Committee (Legal)

International criminal police organization (INTERPOL)

Economic and Financial Committee


Social, CULTURAL, and Humanitarian Committee (SOCHUM)

Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC)

World Health Organization (WHO)


World Intellectual property organization (WIPO)



Bethe Bogrette & Anahita Asudani

About bethe

Bethe Bogrette is a member of the Class of 2027 in the Walsh School of Foreign Service, majoring in International Politics with Security Studies concentration and minoring in English and History. She is from Hershey, Pennsylvania. Although she never had the opportunity to attend NAIMUN as a delegate, Bethe has been involved with Model UN for the past six years. At Georgetown, she has has served as the Director for the Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Issues Committee at NAIMUN LXI, as well as being involved with DistrictMUN, Georgetown's middle school MUN conference, and GIRA Global, the Georgetown International Relations Association's global Model UN branch. Outside of NAIMUN, Bethe loves to spend time outside, often using her weekends to go camping, hiking, or mountain biking, or simply reading outside of the Leavey Center on sunny days. She is so excited to have the opportunity to serve as LXII's USG of General Assemblies and work with the NAIMUN team to create an unforgettable conference weekend for this year's delegates!

ABOUT anahita

Anahita Asudani is a member of the Class of 2027 in the Walsh School of Foreign Service, majoring in International Politics with a minor in English. She is from San Francisco, California. As a member of her high school's MUN team, she attended NAIMUN as a delegate 3 times. She has also previously served as a Director for the Special Political and Decolonization Committee at NAIMUN LXI, and as the Under-Secretary-General of Committees for Georgetown's middle school MUN conference, DistrictMUN. Outside of NAIMUN, Anahita can be found exploring new DC coffee shops with friends, reading on Copley Lawn, and creating makeshift pickleball courts wherever she can find space. She is so excited to serve as USG of General Assemblies and create an amazing conference experience for everyone!