Small committees with full crisis elements (25-30 delegates)

Historical Crisis is a dynamic organ that is centered around unique historical topics from all around the globe. In this organ, delegates have the opportunity to apply their negotiation, diplomacy, and problem-solving skills through a historical lens by stepping into the shoes of important figures from the past. Historical Crisis is composed of seven small crisis simulations, all of which will allow delegates to learn about lesser-known events throughout history. As a crisis committee, delegates in Historical Crisis have the added benefit of being able to interact with a dedicated crisis staff who will actively update the committee timeline and provide new challenges for delegates to solve.


JCC: MUghal Mutineers — tHE mughal succession crisis, 1707

Radio Ga Ga: Live aid planning Committee, 1985

A haole lot of trouble: The cabinet of Queen lili’uokalani, 1891

Lights, Camera, Political Action!: All union creative conference of workers in soviet cinema, 1935

(All-Women) Wonder Women: The dahomey amazons, 1885


just in time: council of justinian the first, 527


Caroline Sippel & Namir Pasha

About Caroline

Caroline Sippel is a member of the Walsh School of Foreign Service class of 2027, with an intended major of Culture and Politics and minors in Public Health and Classics. She is originally from St. Louis, Missouri, but currently lives in Reston, Virginia (about 40 minutes from campus). She is a previous NAIMUN LXI Crisis Analyst and Director for Retracting Radcliffe: Sindh Partition, 1947. Outside of NAIMUN, Caroline is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, a host on Georgetown's radio station , and a lifeguard for the on-campus pool. Her greatest passions are iced tea, rock music, and her dog. Caroline is looking forward to making a NAIMUN delegates will never forget!

About Namir

Namir Pasha is a member of the Walsh School of Foreign Service class of 2027, majoring in Global Business with a minor in Russian. He was born and raised in Hong Kong but is originally from Bangladesh and Azerbaijan. Although Namir has never competed in NAIMUN (the 22-hour flight to DC was not the most appealing), he staffed NAIMUN LXI as a crisis analyst for the Ad-Hoc. Additionally, Namir was the Chair of the Baltic States Council committee for NCSC, Georgetown’s college conference, in the fall of 2024. Namir was an avid member of his high school Model UN team and has continued that passion at Georgetown as both a travel team delegate and secretariat member. Besides Model UN, Namir is involved in the MOSAIC mixed-race students association. In his free time, you will often find him watching basketball, specifically the Miami Heat, and checking players’ stats. Namir is thrilled to serve as your Under-Secretary-General of Historical Crises and hopes to make the experience as enjoyable and exciting as possible!